so the water cycle is very importan in are ecostyme.
with out water life could not exsist on are planet and are planet is made up of about 75% water.
the cycle of water on are planet is abunet, water goes from being their in a lake, ocen, or river to evaporation and becomeing a cloud. then moveing with our atmosthere and the falling back to earth again as percipitation(rain) and starteing all over again.
but their is other way it goes thrue this cycle,
it can go thrue transpiration witch is when a plant takes up water and the water workes it way out of the plants poers and evapores again.
and other ways like condensation when the cold dosent alow water to rise and it colects.
but theirs other thing that make up the water cycle like ground water and surface runoff when water finds it way down hill to a body of water and or a under water streem.
but some of the worce natur dasters can be caused by the water cycle.
like from a over percipitation can caus floods and erosion.
and it can also effect things like hurcanes.....
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